Your Soul Food for Friday March 29: Can You Believe It? They Say It’s My Birthday and No Speciesism

Happy Soul Food Friday!

This week:

If you are local-

Happy Spring Kats and Kittens!

We are back with live music to launch into Spring.

 Drivin the Bus will be playing on Saturday March 30th at Coomber Craft Wines in Oceanside from 6-9pm:

Coomber Craft Wines – Drivin’ The Bus (

and Mr. Peabody’s Bar and Grill on Friday April 5th from 8:30 to 12:30:

Mr. Peabody’s Bar & Grill – Drivin’ The Bus (

When I’m 64:

Believe it or not, I turn 64 on 3/29 (today) so I am considering the 3/30 show my “birthday show”, whether the band likes it or not, and for my birthday I want to make memories, doing what I love with those I love. 😊

If you are free, swing by for some classic jams with some spring frivolity and camaraderie!

You can reserve tables at Coomber’s if you are so inclined, call (760) 231-8022 for more info…

More gigs later in the month with both

Drivin the Bus and Strange Crew– (Phil’s birthday bash) and deets to follow.

No Speciesism-

Crows Perform Yet Another Skill Once Thought Distinctively Human
Crows are some of the smartest creatures in the animal kingdom. They are capable of making rule-guided decisions and of creating and using tools. They also appear to show an innate sense of what numbers are. Researchers now report that these clever birds are able to understand recursion—the process of embedding structures in other, similar structures—which was long thought to be a uniquely human ability.

Crows Perform Yet Another Skill Once Thought Distinctively Human | Scientific American

These mega-smart crows are cleaning cigarette butts off city streets — and saving millions of dollars in the process:
Cigarette butts alone make up a whopping 62% of all street litter in Sweden. You’ve heard of cleanup crews, but what about … cleanup crows? As part of a new anti-litter initiative, the Swedish city of Södertälje is using some fine-feathered friends to help clean cigarette butts off of its streets. The startup behind the mass crow-bilization is called Corvid Cleaning, in honor of the crow family’s scientific name, Corvidae.

Corvid Cleaning is training crows to pick up cigarette butts (

Thanks to family and friends everywhere!



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