“Your eyes cannot see, what your mind does not know”

Speaking Truth to Power…


“Any Goal Worth Achieving is Worth Changing For”



This week:

Something Light:

These commercials will put a big smile on your face!



The Power of Words:

Words have the power to shape the way we think and feel. In this stunning video, filmmakers Will Hoffman and Daniel Mercadante bandy visual wordplay into a moving exploration of language set to an original score by Keith Kenniff. http://www.radiolab.org/story/91974-bonus-video-words/


Something Heavy…

No More No More: Lessons for All of Us from a Human Trafficking Awareness Program:

From Awareness to Inspiration to Action

“It’s time to traffic love, compassion and empathy instead of sentient human beings!”
—Dr. Suresh Subramani, UC San Diego

Speaking Truth to Power:

Redefining free society requires conscious citizens to speak truth to power to address silent killers that run endemic in our society, and that often carry a social stigma that prevents us from airing critical societal issues with openness and transparency.

Sadly, a human being costs less today than at any other time in human history. Human life has become a commodity unto itself.

In your mind is human trafficking a law enforcement issue or is it better reframed as a public health epidemic which we can’t address until we start to talk about it?

An Underground Economy:

Victims of human trafficking globally, as well as, right here in San Diego fund an ‘underground economy’ that is estimated to be valued at $800MM locally and $150B business globally. There are geo-spatial connections between narcotics and trafficking, yet as far as market efficiencies go, humans are easier to transport, and unlike contraband can be resold over and over…

Economic theory reminds us that if there was no demand for a product or service, then there would be no market. In this regard, what can we creatively do to eliminate demand? Target Marketing is difficult. There is no profile for buyers and in most cases they look just like you and me…

In case you are thinking human trafficking is a poverty-related problem, you need to know this scourge is not just relegated to any one segment of our society and can be found in both poverty and privilege alike. Yes you and your family are as likely as any to be affected by this social ill.

The average age a person enters the world of sex traffic is the tender age of 12, the average age of a sex trafficked victim is 16, there average lifespan is 7 years if they don’t get out.

And in San Diego there are over 2,000 sex trafficking victims but only 32 beds to support them. (Here we clearly have a different supply problem)

Did you know, the Super bowl is the #1 human trafficking event in the US with over 10,000 women at risk!

“Your eyes cannot see, what your mind does not know”

We are only as sick as our secrets.

The good news, if there could be such a thing on a subject like this at the worst expression of humanity, includes:

Laws being changed to treat victims of trafficking the same way we treat victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse

The recent passage of AB27 which ensures teachers and educators are themselves educated about issues related to recognizing and preventing issues of trafficking

The growing collaboration between law enforcement agencies, recognizing that it will take a collaborated and concerted effort as they focus on; Prevention, Protection, Prosecution and Partnership to overcome this troubling societal ill.

It’s Not Just Where You Think It Is:

The bad news is that as you read this there are victims of trafficking in hotel rooms, truck stops and most troubling in their own homes. We have become so fixated on “stranger danger” yet 80% of victims are perpetrated upon from INSIDE their trust circle!

There is a pattern of Perpetration changing the role to move the victim through the system. These include but not limited to Profiler, Pretender, Provider and Punisher (Steps not unlike the behaviors the perpetrator exhibits in sexual violence; the 7T’s of Targeting, Testing, Threatening, Transporting, Transaction, Termination & Trauma)

We Can All Do Something:

It’s time to activate all of us in a civil society to use whatever they have in their proverbial toolbox to address this urgent issue. This could be anything from building a solid research base to inform future research, understanding gender inequality -women being exploited both sexually and economically- with downstream gender inequality implications that hurt all of us, using gamification to help destigmatize the issue and teach fundamentals, peer learning to help get the word out, all while empowering people armed with relevant facts and fostering a culture of renewed trust and spirit of self-efficacy.

See something, say something!

If Hollywood leading women sat in walled-in silence for, in some cases, as long as 30 years, imagine how many women not in places of power and privilege there are out there and how hard it is for them to speak out.

It’s time to break the silence. Silence weakens us but speaking out strengthens us!

It will take stronger families, stronger communities and strong communications if we are to bend the curve and eliminate this problem, now and forever. Is it time to make this conversation part of our life curriculum? Are you willing to lean into your discomfort zone to advance this crucial conversation?

And for those of our sisters and brothers, who are on the healing side of this journey, do remember:

  “You are precious, you are capable, you are smart and you are beautiful to behold…”


From The Frontlines Of A Sexual Assault Epidemic: 2 Therapists Share Stories:

Individuals with intellectual disabilities are 7x more likely to be abused! Nora Baladerian and Karyn Harvey are both psychologists with an unusual specialty — they are among a small number of therapists who treat people with intellectual disabilities who have been the victims of sexual violence. They’re friends, brought together by decades of shared experience. Baladerian, from Los Angeles, is a co-founder of the Disability and Abuse Project, which tracks violence against people with intellectual disabilities.



A Better Man- It Takes Courage to be Held Accountable:

A Better Man documents a personal experiment— a step towards understanding and accountability. By getting closer to the truth of what survivors experience, and of why men choose to use violence, we can help stop the abuse. I hope that sharing my personal search for justice and healing will contribute to the struggle to end domestic violence.”

Critical conversations are an important part of the healing process. It’s a process known as restorative justice, when victims and offenders come together, with mediation, to repair the harm that’s been done. Watch the trailer at: https://abettermanfilm.com/

Thanks this week go to all of us committed to healing and restorative justice!

Please pay it forward with purpose

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“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere!” – Dr. MLK Jr.

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